Sunday, July 8, 2012

Superior Dog Food Recipes

Why take a chance that the dog food you are using is unhealthy, unsafe, or contains artificial ingredients when you can make dog food on your own? For centuries people have used the same ingredients they cook in their own food, in food for their pets! There are an innumerable amount of dog food recipes to choose from, so it's up to you to find the one that fits best in your time constraints, budget, and most importantly the one that your dog likes best.

If healthy dog food is a priority to you and you don't mind making it fresh at home, here are a few healthy recipes that are well balanced and provide your pooch with essential vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and minerals they need to live a long healthy life.

A popular dog food recipe you can make is beef or lamb stew. You will need 1 pound of low fat beef or lamb, 3 potatoes, 3 carrots, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 celery sticks, and 2 pints of chicken or beef broth. Once you have all the ingredients for this dog food recipe, it is time to cook. First, brown the meat in a sauté pan in 2 tablespoons of oil and cook until the meat is brown. Then stew the meat in the broth for 45 minutes, add the vegetables, then cover. Next, let it simmer for 45 minutes until everything is softened. Lastly, let it cool and serve to your dog.

If your dog has a more sensitive stomach, you may want to try a dog food recipe that is holistic. A great fresh, holistic dog food recipe is salmon and pasta. For this recipe you will need 1 salmon steak, a fourth-cup of unsalted chicken broth, a half-cup of cooked pasta, a half-cup of steamed mixed veggies (carrots, spinach, zucchini), and 1 to 2 tablespoons of olive oil. After you have gathered these ingredients together, sauté the salmon steak in a pan for 5 minutes on each side with 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Then cook the pasta for 10 minutes and serve after cooling.

Your dog may want a treat at the end of a long day of chasing squirrels, barking at the mailman, and playing catch! If you want to reward your dog with a tasty snack, then the peanut butter dog biscuit is the perfect dog treat recipe for you. For this dog treat recipe you will need 1 and a half cups of whole wheat flour, a half-cup of peanut butter, 2 tablespoons of wheat germ, 1 and a half teaspoons of dry yeast, a fourth cup of cornmeal, 1 cup of water, 1 and a fourth cup of white flour, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, 2 tablespoons of turmeric, and 2 tablespoons of beet powder. This may seem like a lot of ingredients but the process is so simple because there are only a few steps! First you need to blend all the ingredients together. When the dough is ready, roll it into a ¼ inch thickness. Then, lightly grease a cookie sheet and bake the dog cookies for 45 minutes at 325 degrees. Next, turn off the oven and let your cookies dry in the oven for a few hours. They should be hard and crisp after about three hours. Lastly, store in the fridge overnight in an airtight container and voila! You have now made your own dog treats.

Dog food recipes are available online, in books, in magazines, and plenty of other places. If you want to serve your dog healthy, inventive, tasty meals then you should find the dog food recipe that best suits you and your dog and get cooking!

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