Sunday, July 8, 2012

3 Easy Super Food Recipes

For many reason, as we get older we all need to take a look at our diets and how they are effecting our health. Changing a few of our eating habits can increase our chances of living longer and better. These three foods can be used in many different ways and in many different recipes. Add a couple of these recipes ideas to your menu

Butternut Squash: Who knew this little beauty was in fact, a fruit? It's amazingly packed with vitamin A and bone building calcium. It's simple to cook and goes with everything from Meatloaf to Ravioli.

Wash the outside, cut in half, take out the seeds then bake with cut side down in a 350 degree oven until fork tender, about 45 minutes. Remove the cooked Squash with a spoon. It can be paired with a little honey or brown sugar with a touch of cinnamon for a sweet treat or used as an ingredient in a meatloaf, casserole or side dish for dinner.

Onions: No one has to ask me twice if I want onion on or with my food. I love them but didn't quite know that it was one way I was eating right. Onions are full of healthy benefits. Their sulfur compounds thin your blood thus lowering your blood pressure. The Quercetin in them helps prevent oxidation of the "bad" part of cholesterol and defends against cancer and cataracts. To get the most benefits from an onion, choose the red or purple, then yellow and finally the white. Even in nature, color makes a difference.

For a tasty colorful side dish. Quarter one onion of each color, marinate in 1/4 to 1/3 Balsamic Vinegar for about an hour,[place ingredients in a zip plastic bag, turning every 10-15 minutes] then bake in a preheated 325 degree oven for about 25 minutes. They will come out tasting great and your house will smell yummy.

Tomato: You say tomato but being from the south I say tomaters. Tomatoes in any color or size are all good for you. Heating them will increase their benefits by bringing out their cancer fighting lycopenes. Studies have also shown they may offer bone protection, too.

Broiled Tomatoes with Cheese

Cut 2 tomatoes in 3/4 inch thick slices, top with a pinch of sea salt, and Italian spices. Sprinkle with shredded cheese, then place under a broiler for about three minutes. Drizzle Virgin Olive Oil over the top, just before serving. Serve while still hot.

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